Relational Contracting and Collaborations Management Training

Research has shown that many complex programs, projects, and business arrangements requiring significant collaboration fall short of meeting stakeholder expectations. There is no shortage of evidence relating to unrealized expectations of what were once promising partnerships and business arrangements.

While many factors contribute to this shortfall, the problems almost always originate with rigid transactional orientation, poor value for money analysis, non-collaborative behavior, and inadequate oversight models of management. In short, and despite the industry’s best efforts, the traditional planning and implementation management models have not eliminated the risks in complex projects and business arrangements.

The transactional model practiced today was built a century ago on principles of certainty that are no longer valid in today’s increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous business environment.

This training program introduces participants to a fresh new perspective and a proven systematic collaboration management model for achieving better outcomes at lower risk and cost in complex scenarios.

The methodology operationalizes ISO 44001 and provides a flexible, highly collaborative, synergistic, and adaptive approach to establishing and managing strategic programs, complex projects, and business relationships.

This training program is delivered virtually by Strategic Relationships Solutions Inc. (SRS) and the Institute for Collaborative Working Canada.

Learning and Takeaways

Our Training Program provides participants with the essential knowledge to source, establish, and manage adaptive and collaborative business relationships that can take advantage of change and navigate through today’s volatile, uncertain, and increasingly complex business environment.

Who Should Attend

The program is recommended for public and private sector executives, partner/vendor relationship managers, business development executives, senior project managers, procurement officers, and anyone involved in significant collaboration activity.

Current Offered Courses

All Courses are delivered in private mode upon request.

However, we do offer the following open courses:

For more information and registration Contact us.

Relational Contracting and Collaborations Management Certification

Date: Wednesday, June 25 through Friday 27, 2025

Mode: Online

More Information
Click here to Download the Program Outline

DND PMCD 3 Equivalency – This course is deemed an approved equivalency for the Department of National Defence—Canada (DND) Project Management Competency Development Level-3 Requirements.

COURSE NOW COMPLETED – Contact us to find out about our other training programs.